
Tanya Windman “Windy”

Strategist + Facilitator

Hi, I’m Tanya -

I started my career over 12 years ago, working for top brands and agencies in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco. After a period of burnout, I wondered how I felt so disconnected from what I love and enjoy

I was missing a sense of purpose and fulfillment outside of work and I didn’t know how that had happened. This was around the time that I decided on a new path, one of cultivating inspiration, facing fears, and following the quiet voice of intuition

The saying “jump and the net will appear” quickly became the way that I learned to build courage and trust. I acquired the tools of yoga and mindfulness to help along the journey and built meaningful new relationships in the health and wellness space with the launch of my brand strategy consultancy

My big take away? Develop a process of self discovery and self expression that can translate into all areas of life. This decade long discovery process is now the framework for the Inside Out Toolkit